In Case You Were Wondering

Jun 4, 2019

This is a little behind the scenes post about me, my life, and my loves. Here are 11 fun facts about the creator, Lyndse Yess, behind Jac.

  1. As an Oregon native, it will always have a huge piece of my heart and I still call it home.
  2. My only sister lives abroad in the UK with her family. She’s been there for over a decade and I miss her.
  3. I have a secret dream to be a hip-hop dancer.
  4. I have a fun loving 1 year old Aussie pup named Sasha.
  5. I’m a foodie and LOVE trying new restaurants, happy hours, or recipes at home.
  6. Colorado is the only place I’ve ever lived where I haven’t been an hour or less from the ocean.
  7. I played competitive DI volleyball in college.
  8. I am a coffee snob – I will readily admit this and am not ashamed. However, it does means I know the best places to go in Denver for a cup of Joe.
  9. My husband and I make it a priority to go on 1 international trip a year.
  10. I am an avid adventurer and love being in nature. You can often find me camping, hiking, snowshoeing, climbing, and SUP’ing throughout the year.
  11. Because of 10, I have a pretty high tolerance of withstanding dirt and several day camping trips. (Maybe I shouldn’t admit that) This is why my sister calls me a rough and tumble princess – I go on adventures like this but also love a fancy night on the town and getting dressed up. I have to admit though, I have really great camp hair 🙂


I hope this gives you a little insight into me. I’m a pretty open book and love getting to know people. If you ever want to get coffee and chat about design, life, why some Colorado natives don’t like the outdoors (still baffles me), or anything else – hit me up.

** Feature image by Levi Tijerina at our anniversary session with him. He’s an amazing human being and an incredibly talented photographer. **




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